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Writer's pictureJordan Ayer

Scotch Ball Results, Brisket, Member Guests: Week of 7/26

Hey everyone,

It’s been a long time since I’ve written an update, here’s what’s been going on at The Knoll...

Last Week


Thanks to all who participated in our Scotch Ball tournament! Below are the results...

Scotch Ball Men's Flight

1st Gross: Steve and Jack Tomashot - 78

2nd Gross: Jerry Papariello & Craig Charest - 80

1st Net: Germain Pellerin & Tim Ellis - 71

2nd Net: Steve Chase & Bob Desroches - 74 matched cards

3rd Net: Mike Witney & Jeff Kellar - 74

Mixed Flight

1st Gross: Kenny & Jane Bissonette - 77 matched cards

2nd Gross: Rick & Kim Fadden - 80

3rd Gross: John StHilair & Lauri Brown - 84

1st Net: Tom & Marie Ayer - 71

2nd Net: Bev Knight & Michelle Schwartz - 72

3rd Net: Tim Ayer & Tanya Jones - 76

Skins Paid 33.00 Each

Rick & Kim Fadden #4

Steve & Jack Tomashot #6 & 9

Mike & Lisa O'Day # 7

Kenny & Jane Bissonette # 10 & 13

Mike & Chloe Landers # 16

It feels as though cart driving behaviours need to be addressed again, we are still seeing frequent misuse of carts. Please refrain from driving within 15 yards of the greens and do not drive carts behind greens bordering hazard or with steep slopes behind them. We are working on more frequent ranger scheduling to help prevent these incidents from happening but the number one thing you can do as members is call the clubhouse when you see these things happening. Unless someone is an immediate threat to any of the sensitive areas, please do not confront them about the behavior. Take a picture for us to review and make sure you get in contact with someone on staff or the ranger-on-duty.

Upcoming Information


The Men’s Member Guest is approaching fast, invite a partner from a different club and join us the weekend of August 7, 8, 9 for a fun yet competitive tournament. Each day consists of an 18 hole, best ball round. Friday is a flighting day and does not count towards your overall weekend score, we will have tee times available from any time in the morning until 1:30 in the afternoon to accommodate your schedule. Your team's combined score for Saturday and Sunday determine where you fall within your flight.

On the food front Red’s Bar and Grille will be serving hors d'oeuvres Friday and a delicious smoked prime rib meal Saturday evening, vegetarian/vegan options are available upon request. These excellent food options come at no extra cost to your tournament dues so be sure to take advantage!

The cost for this tournament is $175 per team with skins game and carts optional. There is a practice round available at any time during the week before with the only condition being that you must make a tee time to play, a COVID rule more than a tournament specific one.

The Ladies Member Guest falls significantly later in August on the 23rd utilizing the same two person, stroke play, best ball format as the men with the caveat that it is a one day tournament with one flight. Red’s Bar and Grille will also be providing a prime rib dinner for this event with a vegetarian option. The tournament dues are $70 and come with a free practice round to be used any time the week before with carts and skins game extra.

The sign-up sheet for both of these is posted in the pro-shop. Swing through and sign up your team for these two awesome events which constitute the 3rd major of the season!

The Dogfight board has languished this year, it’s time to put in your attempts. To grow the pot rapidly and give the tournament some more pizazz, we’re having people put in $20 for unlimited attempts to secure their spot on the board. Put your money in today for a chance at the Dogfight pot this year!

News from Red’s Bar and Grille is exciting for this weekend, we’re bringing back brisket! I will be sourcing close to 70 pounds of brisket for Saturday. In addition to the brisket we will be serving cornbread, baked beans, mashed potatoes, and mac n’ cheese. Don’t miss this opportunity, we sold out in just under 2 hours last time we did this special!

Ryan has posted some new content for people to peruse! Check out one of the videos below! If you want to take your game to the next level, Ryan is your guy, book your lesson now!


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