Good Afternoon,
We will be reopening the course tomorrow at 11:00. We are closed until mid morning so email us with tee time requests and we will email back in the morning with the nearest open time.
Things are happening quickly now that we are open. Some of the info might be a repeat for some but we are fortunate to have a bunch of new members at The Knoll. We want to welcome everyone and make you aware of some upcoming events.
Please take a minute to read this message.
I won't discuss the weather happenings the morning other than to use it as a segway for our first event of the season, The Icebreaker Scramble. Remarkably enough it is calling for 70 degrees+ when we tee it up next Sunday, May 17th. Reserve your foursome and tee time prior to this Thursday. If you want to play but don't have a full team, let us know. Others are likely in the same boat and we are pleased to help pair you up.
Our online league registrations have been very successful. We have seen an increase in nearly every league and there's room for more! Please see this link which will give you info on the leagues we offer, The leagues will begin as follows:
Men's League- Monday, 5/18
Day League- Wednesday, 5/20
Ladies' League- Wednesday, 5/20 (Roster full, subbing opportunities weekly)
Thursday Open- TBD
Junior- TBD
If you would like to participate in any league, please contact us via email no later than Sunday night. Contact us whether you have a two person team or you're a single looking for a partner. We have a few people still looking for partners. The current Covid-19 restrictions require that teams have tee times so we need to wrap up the scheduling soon.
We are watching the updated restrictions due to Covid-19 daily. We are operating in a manner to keep patrons and staff as safe as possible. We have limited access to the clubhouse and we are offering online payments for anything we offer. We encourage people prepay, including gift card accounts we will track in the clubhouse. Pro shop merchandise, as well as food and beverages are now available.
We look forward to getting back to normal. In the meantime please remember to call for tee times and arrive just early enough to warm up and head out. For now, we must avoid congregating. It's going to be a great season. See you soon!